1. We are what we repeatedly do, therefore excellence is not an act it’s a habit.
2. The heights by great women reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but while their companions slept they were toiling upward in the night.
3. Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard
4. The chain is as strong as its weakest link , therefore I pledge to do my best to keep the chain strong.
5. When I communicate to my teammates, I am adding a player to my team. I will use words like: man on, time, turn, space, run, drop, support, I got ball
6. TEAM RULES: • No name calling • Treat each other with respect • Do your best and have fun
7. I should not settle for mediocrity (average) when I can be the best. I must work hard at practice and away from practice.
8. If I am standing still while playing, I am not helping my teammates. I must create space by checking my shoulders. I must check my shoulder to see where my opponents are and where there is open space. I can then create and move to open space. This will help my team move the ball.