“The Iron Curtain”
When “we” have the ball:
1. CONCENTRATE on good first touch.
2. NO unnecessary LOSS of possession.
3. MOVE the BALL up field quickly.
4. TALK to each other. “Man on!”, “Turn”, “Dribble”.
5. When you are in front of the net AVOID high-risk passes or dribbling.
When “they” have the ball:
1. LOOK where your player is and cover on the proper side (keep her in FRONT of you).
2. PICK UP the most DANGEROUS PLAYERS (the ones closest to the ball, or
ones who can shoot when they get the ball).
3. COVER closer when in the box.
4. DON’T DIVE into tackles: push your opponent toward the wings.
5. SLOW them down, so that your midfielders can get back and help.
6. Only slide tackle as a last resort: you must clear the ball or win the ball if you choose to slide tackle.
7. Don’t lose concentration on throws-ins, free kicks and corners.