Player Questionnaire
Name: __________________________ Phone: ____-______________
1. What does playing for the U-9 Target team mean to you?
2. Are you committed to soccer? Yes No
Please comment_________________________________________
3. Games and Practices
a. Can you make it to all games and practices if healthy? Yes No
b. Is transportation a problem? Yes No
4. If you had a social event (eg BBQ, Party) and you also had a soccer game or practice, what would you choose? Soccer Party/Other
5. What is your goal for this outdoor indoor season?
6. My goal for you is:(coach) _______________________________________
7. Which position do you think you would be most effective as on this team?_____________________
8. Do you watch soccer on TV weekly or daily? Yes No
9. Equal playing time
a. Do you know that there is no equal playing time? Yes No
b. How would you handle it?
10. Do you like our brand of soccer (team possession and ball movement) and my
coaching style? Yes No
11. You are required to complete a soccer journal by email for each game. Are you
able to fulfill this commitment? Yes No
12. Are you willing to purchase team clothing, additional to that provided by the club
(eg winter jacket, sweatshirt, practice jerseys)? (Parents) Yes No
13. Out of town tournament player accommodations will be dormitory style (ie 4
players to a room). Are you accepting of the arrangement? Yes No
– If no, please explain_____________________________________
14. Are you willing to fund raise and solicit sponsorship (parents) Yes No
15. Is attending practice possibly 2-3 days per week a problem Yes No
16. Do you usually take summer vacation? (Parents) Yes No How many weeks
Player ____________ Parent ______________ Coach __________________